NCG commenced work on site as agreed and completed the project on budget and surprisingly ahead of schedule.

Felicity and Ryan, Normanhurst

Applicaiton form

NCG Employment

At NCG we are always searching for fresh talent to join our ever-growing team.

At NCG, we treat our employees with respect. We uphold strict regulations to ensure that each team-member receives a fair go in every aspect of their work.

We aim to grow and develop our employees, in a work-environment that is designed to enable you to go somewhere! We encourage further education, both formal and informal, so that you can constantly improve your expertise. We encourage and support our workers to take on a variety of jobs; to go better each time, without ever losing that local-touch!

There are constantly openings for project management, foreman-work and other leadership roles. Be sure, that each day with NCG is a better day for your career!

What are some of the characteristics of an NCG worker?


It's not where you're from, it's where you're at – be frank with us, and together we can create a healthy work-relationship that helps us both achieve the best case scenario!

Education and training.

We need to see evidence that you are authorised to work in your area or trade. Of course, any extra-education is a bonus, but is not mandatory.

Ready to work with others; a team-oriented worker.

At NCG we truly aspire to create a work environment where our members work together! We have an integrated approach to trade-services, and need our trades to work together, and even communicate in a constructive way across trades.

Respect for workers, and respect for customers. An optimistic, innovative interaction with customers.

At NCG, we are not just another trade going through the motions. We need to bring a certain enthusiasm to our work, and to our customers, so that they trust us and our work, and never hesitate to seek our help in future. You are the human-touch to work; an accurately, perfectly complete job is incomplete without good manners, open communication, good humour and the respectful resolution of complaints.

Ready to learn. Ready to work as a team.

At NCG, we are a strong team, with strong partnerships in the construction industry. But we never use this as an excuse to get out of the tough situations. At NCG, we reward workers who are able to think on the spot, and who are unafraid to request help from someone more experienced. We encourage an environment equipped for learning, and incorporate into our company breadth for apprenticeships.

Do you think you possess some of these characteristics?

Hop onto our Perspective Employment Submissions section!

NCG is currently in a very exciting place – we are fast on our way up to becoming one of the State's most comprehensive, resourceful construction companies, with a fresh and renewed approach to trade-service. Join us now, and secure your spot in something big.