NCG provided us with a comprehensive quotation which they went through line by line so we were aware of exactly what was included within the quotation and we didn't encounter any nasty surprises during the project.

Felicity and Ryan, Normanhurst

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Recent Granny Flat projects

See photos for our latest Granny Flat project. More progress photos to follow.

Backyard Rental Returns

Backyard Rental Returns is the sub-project of NSW Construction Group. "Sub-project" in no way means less of a priority, but rather a concentration of our expertise in a particular faction of construction; in this case, investment properties.

NSW Construction Group is the broader company, taking up projects that are both industrial and residential. Such jobs are not constrained in scope, ranging from renovations to the construction of apartments. Take a look at examples of both in our Projects section.

Backyard Rental Returns takes the very best of the powerful mechanisms of NSW Construction Group (our trades, cheap material contracts with major companies, expert contractors), and adapts them to the construction of investment properties - namely, the Granny Flat.

We are the one-stop-shop for Granny Flats, weaving together every step of the construction process in a simple manner. What you can expect from us includes:

There is much more to Backyard Rental Returns, such as meeting your other construction needs in the area of renovation, second-story constructions, etc. Take the time to browse this website, and see how we can be of help.